Directed by Martin Scorsese
The Wolf of Wall Street is a comedy, drama based on a true story of Jordan Belfort (played by Leonardo DiCaprio). It was released on the 17th January 2014 (UK). Starring Leonardo DiCaprio.
The trailer begins with an opening credit stating how it has been approved for appropriate audiences; being aged 18+ as this is the age certificate the film was given. It then continues to open with a loud, upbeat, non diegetic sound of a drum. This non diegetic sound continues as we are shown establishing shots, setting the location which seems to be New York. The jumping between these establishing shots is fast paced, parallel to the fast paced soundtrack. The quick cutting between shots are important in trailers as the aim is to show small clips just so we get an insight into where it is and what its about. The fast paced camera movement continues, as the camera pans down to the entrance of a building.
The camera cuts into the building where we are presented the first character, Leonardo DiCaprio. The non diegetic soundtrack here is still upbeat and creates an intense atmosphere, as if someone is on a mission. Along with this, we hear a non diegetic voice saying "My name is Jordan Belfort, the year i turned 26, I made $49 million.....". Having this voice alongside the character is possibly introducing us to him as the film itself is based on this specific character and it is common that the main character is played by a well known actor. Where the voice has used figures shows how he is wealthy and clearly a powerful business man. This is evident also through the clothing of the character, where he is dressed in a suit, again connoting the business man look. The non diegetic voice continues as the character walks down the corridor. In regards to editing, match on action is used where the mid shot is tracking him as he walks and the editing technique is used when the camera cuts behind him as he walks through the door.
Following on from this, the producer displays how the film is 'From academy award winning director Martin Scorsese'; this significantly stands out withe the bold black font on a light coloured background. This kind of information is important for films to display as it is a huge selling point, as if the director is hugely successful, it is likely that the film will follow in that way and be a huge success. Therefore making viewers want to watch the film.
The upbeat, non diegetic music is in sync with the characters actions, immediately creating a connection between his actions. From the title, they cut to a long shot of a sports car as it approaches the grand building. The long shot allows us to have a clear view of what is going on as well as the kind of setting and location of the film. From here, they cut to a medium shot of actor, Leonardo DiCaprio and an accomplice. Again the shot allows us to see the setting clearly and shows us enough to notice that they are wealthy business men. The fast-paced cutting between shots continue along with the upbeat, non diegetic music. Soon after, DiCaprio is in a different location walking down a grand set of stairs, still dressed in his smart clothing, continuing to portray his authoritative character.
Another significant element of a trailer is displaying the actors/actresses who are starring in the film. In this trailer, they have done this using a bold font on a light background, making it stand out. This is a huge selling point, as famous actors have a fanbase and it is likely that these fans will watch every film that they are starring in; and buy showing this in the trailer, it is likely that they will want to watch the film. They then cut to a mid-shot of Leonardo DiCaprio, where he is looking directly at the camera, creating a connection between him and the audience. Here, his diegetic voices says "Is all this legal, absolutely not"; this shows the bad business side to his character as he is committing illegal actions to gain his wealth. Through the two shot, we are introduced to female character who is being covered in money. This would relate to the illegal actions made by the previous character. By doing this, it suggests how the female character is being used for there bad actions, showing the power and dominance the male characters have over her. Soon after, a mid-shot reveals another female character, who is shown wearing a pink dress and making direct eye contact with the male character. The clothing of the young girl, in a short pink dress and high heels gives a slight negative representation of her; where she is sitting on the floor in a way that may be seen as seductive to the male character and sexual. The negative representation of the female characters continues throughout the trailer where they are all dressed in underwear and are involved in sexual thing when with the male characters.
A side-on close up of DiCaprio reveals him, throwing notes of money of the side of his yaught as if it meant nothing. Again this shows the wealthiness of his character as he has enough money to be able to just throw it away like he did. Soon after, we see a complete change in setting; comparing it to the start where they were in a business location, being offices, and doing work. In comparison to now where they are partying by a pool. This shows the kind of lifestyle of the characters, where they seem to be free to do what they want, when they want.
The trailer ends with the title of the film in bold text, followed by the director and states how the film is 'Coming soon'. The fact that the trailer ends in this way is significant, as the last part, being the name of the film, tends to be the thing the viewers remember.
Following on from this, the producer displays how the film is 'From academy award winning director Martin Scorsese'; this significantly stands out withe the bold black font on a light coloured background. This kind of information is important for films to display as it is a huge selling point, as if the director is hugely successful, it is likely that the film will follow in that way and be a huge success. Therefore making viewers want to watch the film.
The upbeat, non diegetic music is in sync with the characters actions, immediately creating a connection between his actions. From the title, they cut to a long shot of a sports car as it approaches the grand building. The long shot allows us to have a clear view of what is going on as well as the kind of setting and location of the film. From here, they cut to a medium shot of actor, Leonardo DiCaprio and an accomplice. Again the shot allows us to see the setting clearly and shows us enough to notice that they are wealthy business men. The fast-paced cutting between shots continue along with the upbeat, non diegetic music. Soon after, DiCaprio is in a different location walking down a grand set of stairs, still dressed in his smart clothing, continuing to portray his authoritative character.
Another significant element of a trailer is displaying the actors/actresses who are starring in the film. In this trailer, they have done this using a bold font on a light background, making it stand out. This is a huge selling point, as famous actors have a fanbase and it is likely that these fans will watch every film that they are starring in; and buy showing this in the trailer, it is likely that they will want to watch the film. They then cut to a mid-shot of Leonardo DiCaprio, where he is looking directly at the camera, creating a connection between him and the audience. Here, his diegetic voices says "Is all this legal, absolutely not"; this shows the bad business side to his character as he is committing illegal actions to gain his wealth. Through the two shot, we are introduced to female character who is being covered in money. This would relate to the illegal actions made by the previous character. By doing this, it suggests how the female character is being used for there bad actions, showing the power and dominance the male characters have over her. Soon after, a mid-shot reveals another female character, who is shown wearing a pink dress and making direct eye contact with the male character. The clothing of the young girl, in a short pink dress and high heels gives a slight negative representation of her; where she is sitting on the floor in a way that may be seen as seductive to the male character and sexual. The negative representation of the female characters continues throughout the trailer where they are all dressed in underwear and are involved in sexual thing when with the male characters.
A side-on close up of DiCaprio reveals him, throwing notes of money of the side of his yaught as if it meant nothing. Again this shows the wealthiness of his character as he has enough money to be able to just throw it away like he did. Soon after, we see a complete change in setting; comparing it to the start where they were in a business location, being offices, and doing work. In comparison to now where they are partying by a pool. This shows the kind of lifestyle of the characters, where they seem to be free to do what they want, when they want.
The trailer ends with the title of the film in bold text, followed by the director and states how the film is 'Coming soon'. The fact that the trailer ends in this way is significant, as the last part, being the name of the film, tends to be the thing the viewers remember.
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