The trailer begins with the institution, establishing one of its working companies, Columbia. Columbia pictures is an American film production and distribution studio and is one of the leading film studios in the world; and is one of the 'Big Six'. By beginning with this, it signifies how they have worked with a world leading company and that the film itself may potentially be a world wide seller.
The institutional image then flashes of the screen and a medium shot of a character appears, along with a non-diegetic voice. The camera from here on wards flashes between the first character who was introduced and another. The flash, editing technique could potentially have been used to show the contrasting lives they both live; where one is an ordinary male character in a realistic location. In comparison to the other character who is actually unseen, as the audience, we don't know who is under the mask. This flash between the two characters is significant as they could possibly be hinting that he may be the same character and may be playing two parts; and this may be a hidden identity.
The non diegetic sound of the church bell signifies the location of the male character and this is accompanied by a low pitch sound, indicating the wind where the other character is in an unusual location; on railings, hundreds of feet above the ground. The intense, non diegetic sounds portray a sense of fear as he is running along the railings high up from land. The sound becomes prevalent, and creates the high tense situation where he jumps. The screen flashes to white, for a second making us think something has happened, until a low angle shot is used as he soars through the air with nothing holding him on. As the audience, we panic as we don't know whats going to happen next, as this is the aim of thriller/non fiction films. The whole situation at this stage, is extremely unusual and again, makes us think how this is actually possible.
The character then lands on another railing where a new character is present. The point of view shot at this point reveals the girls reaction as she sees the scarce character and may be in danger. The non-diegetic sound at this stage builds up creating an intense atmosphere as they are at risk of danger. The fast paced, camera movement also creates a sense of panic, considering where they are. This character, who we visually haven't been introduced to, is given the most prevalence and plays a predominant role throughout.
The main concepts of a trailer are to show multiple different clips of the film, but most commonly cut them where the climax is going to occur. This is a cliff hanger, and is significant in the production of trailers as the aim is to make the audience want to watch the film and the only way to do so is to mentally/physically engage them; whether this is through the fear of danger or potentially emotion. On the railings, there is a sudden flash, and a medium shot flashes back revealing the girl as she screams in fear. The high tense, non diegetic sound is significant also, as it sets the scene, where there is a lot of danger and fast paced movement; and this is the key focus to engage the audience and leave them on the edge of their seats. The girl evidently notices something and is in utter shock as the medium shot reveals. The point of view shot reveals another character, however, another who we cannot see, as there identity is covered by the mask.
The explosion in the trailer would conform the genre of the film, being an action. This is one of the many conventions in action films. The reverse shot from the explosion to the close up of the girls eye is iconic as it is original, and we are able to see the reflection of the explosion as it happens in front of her. From here on wards, a slow motion effect is used as the girl falls of the railings and this is effective as it makes the audience fear what is happening and shows the danger she is in. Throughout the whole trailer, 'Spiderman' is the main character/focus; and the way he is being presented as some sort of super hero shows how the character is iconic and has a strong role and is known for being a hero.
The whole trailer is extremely effective with its fast paced camera movement conforming to its genre, along with the dramatic events being explosions, falling from buildings,etc. On the other hand, when showing the release date and the title of the film, they have done it in a place where it may potentially not be remembered. I think that the release date and name of the film should be the last thing the audience sees and for this reason should be at the end of the trailer. This is because the last thing you see tends to be the most memorable, and the release date is the main thing trailers should encourage viewers to remember.
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