How have you encoded your trailer in order to convey genre?
The genre that we have chosen for our trailer is a horror. We followed the typical representations and stereotypes through following the conventions of the horror genre. Typical conventions of a horror film are settings such as abandoned houses, derelict area's - anything that connotes isolation or being alone. In relation to our location, we have filmed our trailer in a house - mainly prioritising the bedroom and bathroom; in the supposedly haunted house, this would be conveying the genre, especially with the situation that occurs. The character conentions tend to be the main protagonist, often the "victim/hero" of the movie. Also conventional of horrors is incorporating the innocent, vulnerable young child or the eerie old character; both of which we have encoded into our trailer. The way we have portrayed these characters in quite a daunting situation clearly conveys the horror genre. The idea we have used is a kind of ghost-like feel, where the old women is there then shes not. Also the dark lighting and eerie-lengthened sound effects in the background further conform to the genre expectations.
How have you subverted expectations in order to engage your audience?
In relation to the setting/location of our trailer, we have essentially conformed by filming in a house... however we have not portrayed it to be abandoned and with the main protagonist being a young girl - the location and situation itself creates quite an innocent and therefore unexpected feel. This would essentially engage the audience as the situation seems quite realistic and therefore when the situation occurs, it is more unexpected. This would overall engage the audience with the impact of having unexpected situations.
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